+91 - 657 - 2231795, loyolajsr@gmail.com
On the World Yoga Day, the students of Classes 4, 5 and 6 came together to perform yoga exercises in the basketball court. Tr. Vineeta Ekka, the Vice-Principal of the Junior School enlightened the students on the benefits of yoga, and then the students performed the yoga exercises under the guidance of the school yoga teacher, Tr. Anju Kumari. The students performed Tadasana (to stretch the body), Kati Chakrasana (to make the back, spine and neck flexible), Padahastasana (to improve digestion), Trikonaasana (to give strength to the legs, feet and ankles) and Bhramari Pranayama (to exercise the brain).
Address : Loyola School, Beldih Triangle, Circuit House Area, Bistupur, Jamshedpur - 831001, Jharkhand
Phone : +91-657-2231795
Email : loyolajsr@gmail.com
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